June 10-11, 2025 - Toulouse, France

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About the European Society of Telemetry

Aims and Activities

The European Society of Telemetry  - aka Arbeitskreis Telemetrie e.V - is a non-profit organisation and has the following aims:

  • Promotion of the exchange of experience of its members in the fields of Telemetry, Test-Instrumentation and Telecontrol
  • Information of a large public on the fields of Telemetry, Test-Instrumentation and Telecontrol by organising conferences and exhibitions
  • Search and furthering of the cooperation with corresponding internal and external organisations
  • Collection and extension of scientific information in the related fields 
  • Cooperation with standardisation organisations

Besides the organisation of Telemetry Conferences in Germany, other activities of the European Society of Telemetry are :

  • Organisation of lecture series
  • Cooperation with expert committees
  • Promotion of research at universities and related institutions in the fields concerned